January 19
climate: too cold to swim
reading: article on Richard branson
listening to: emerge
x-box: HALO
recording: ‘new heart’ keyboard lead
mixed emotions today as greg, garret and skaggs leave LA return to the
fatherland. Departure at the airport set the stage for what could have been a
canned scene from a ‘reality television’ episode, but the feelings in this
case were sincere. I’m very proud of their work on the record. My parents
never chose to send me off to a camp as a kid, but I imagine this is how
those summers must have ended. -Can’t stay in Oz forever. I guess you take
change and achievement, mix in a little sorrow, and call it “growth”.
There are benefits to thinning the herd, however. I’ve always found solitude
to be very conducive to my creativity. Alone in the bedroom for the first
night in 6 months, new ideas for slow-motion grainy black and white video
shoots with fake snow and spotlights danced in my head as they always used to.
P.s. I have to stop eating in the equipment closet. It’s starting to smell
less like an exclusive supper club and more like a big hot ass.
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